The Zoo here was pretty excellent. It was very shady (because of trees, not mooks) and there were 7 playgrounds where the parents could rest - and have booze! - while the kids did their thing. I am notorious for hating parks, but this - lack of responsibility combined with drinking - is something I could definitely get behind.
It was a much quieter Zoo than our tried and true Toronto Zoo, which was nice for rambling and spending actual time with the animals. BECAUSE, unless the animal had the potential to rip your face to shreds, you could actually spend time with them. Like the Meerkats and the Cheetahs. Eloise had to be physically held back from taking the baby cheetah who was hiding in the corner, away from its Mom. In Eloise's defence, she comes from Crazy Cat Lady stock (not me, it skips a generation) and this one was pretty freaking cute.