I was reading up on this extreme Eastern cold front and stumbled upon an article about a Dutch man visiting the area, who fell through 10 cm of ice and is still MISSING. That's terrifying. So naturally, when Aaron said he wanted to take the girls "sliding" on the ice, I was really excited to have an hour of shopping to myself.
He decided that they would go to the old city moat, which is now a flooded ditch, a frozen flooded ditch. There were signs near the bridge that said you should not go on the ice, lest you slip to your cold, watery death, but Aaron was not to be dissuaded. In fact, an oft seen legless, homeless, wheel chaired Man with a litre and a half bottle of beer resting on his lap, assured Aaron that the sign was all nonsense. In German. (I do not speak German.)
So Aaron, being responsible, decided to heed the sign's advice and walk about 100 metres further, out of the sign's view, to where a bunch of teenagers were drinking and doing some sliding of their own.
At this point I left, because I'm anxious about such things and all my hovering was noticeably pissing my husband off. I got lost trying to find what I was looking for in town and when I turned a random corner, who is there but The Oft Seen Man. Seriously, this guy moves backwards. In his wheelchair, over cobblestones. I have no idea how I managed to run into him again, but I did and he offered me a ride on his lap. In German.
Taking this as a sure sign that the ice was cracking at that very moment, I ran back to the frozen ditch to find my family basking in the sunshine, as happy as can be. So I gave up my hesitation and joined them on the ice. Life was good, until I saw a fish swimming 10 cm under my feet, and then it was time TO GO.