We really noticed, a few weeks before our vacation in Canada, that people window shop here. It's not a saying folks, it's the real deal. Throngs of people, out on a Sunday, just shopping in windows, not spending a cent. The windows, as such, are decorated to the nines. It's really pretty.
Then there are the Christmas markets. These guys are a hit. So many friggen people just milling about, sipping mulled wine, or hot chocolate as the case may be. I had a bad reaction to the mulled wine in Denmark and dare not venture down that path again. Claudia thinks it's the best hot chocolate ever, and she would be right. It's the best hot chocolate ever.
Everything adds up to a genuine holiday spirit. Everyone wishes one another a Merry Christmas, and they're happy to say it. We're happy to be here, revelling in it all. I'm grateful that I was able to see family and friends so close to Christmas, as the distance between us would surely have felt much wider had I not.
Frohe Weihnachten and Merry Christmas!